Mirror Reminders is designed for people who have memory issues or struggle to remember what has been completed in their bathroom routine. The aim is for a neat and easy-to-use reminder system that can be customised by the user to suit their particular needs.
The app is a potential addition to the mirror reminders system. Allowing for customisation of the screen layout and its list contents. Also, allowing remote control of the checklist.
The final project used a RFID tag system. Each specially-designed tag is attached to the toiletry item. When waved in front of the RFID scanner, it ticks the corresponding item off the list.
For example, the elastic tag would be strapped onto the deodorant. After using the deodorant, the tag is waved over the RFID scanner on the mirror. It is checked off the list and reappears on the screen after a set amount of time.

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